Mobile App Privacy Policy

Last updated 25Nov2019

SIGA Technologies, Inc.

Mobile Application (App) Privacy Policy



Your access to, and use of, the SIGA Technologies, Inc. (“SIGA”) mobile application provided by us in connection with our products and services, such as certain research studies, (collectively, the “SIGA Mobile App”) is subject to the SIGA Mobile App Privacy Policy.

SIGA has created this Privacy Policy to explain what information we gather from you when you use the SIGA Mobile App, how we may use this information, the security approaches that we employ to protect your information, and how you can access and request modification of certain information that we may store about you. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to information collected via the SIGA Mobile App – it does not apply to information you disclose to SIGA through other means.


Medical Disclaimer: The information on the SIGA Mobile App is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through the SIGA Mobile App with the treating physician-investigator or the Independent Review Board (“IRB”), and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THE SIGA MOBILE APP.

SIGA does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness or suitability of any specific tests, types of tests, products, procedures, genetic testing companies, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers, research institutions or other information that may be contained on or available through the SIGA Mobile App.


Your Acceptance of This Privacy Policy and Changes to It

By accessing, viewing or otherwise using the SIGA Mobile App, you consent to the collection and use of your information by SIGA and any designated contracted clinical research organization (CRO) that SIGA may engage for research studies in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you may not use the SIGA Mobile App. SIGA reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time, without prior notice. Users will however be advised of material changes in this Privacy Policy. Changes take effect on the date that appears on the revised Privacy Policy. If you use the SIGA Mobile App following a change in this Privacy Policy, your use will be understood to accept and agree to be bound by the changes. Accordingly, we urge you to review this Privacy Policy periodically for changes.


What information do we collect?

We collect personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”) and other non-individually identifiable information from you when you register on the SIGA Mobile App., respond to communication such as e-mail, or otherwise use the SIGA Mobile App in any manner. For purposes of these services, please note that Personal Information includes information you provide about yourself or other family members on whose behalf you are using the SIGA Mobile App.  “You” and “your” includes you and these family members.

To participate in our studies or to use the SIGA Mobile App, you will be required to provide such Personal Information.  For example, when registering as a user on the SIGA Mobile App, we may ask you for your name, date of birth, password, and contact details including your e-mail address and telephone number(s) to reach you, and we will confirm that you live in the US. The SIGA Mobile App cannot be used outside of the US.  This enables us to provide you information about our studies and to deliver the SIGA Mobile App. You may, however, visit portions of the SIGA Mobile App without providing any Personal Information.


How do we use your information?

We may use the Personal Information and other data we collect from you when you register to access or view the SIGA Mobile App, or use the SIGA Mobile App features in the following ways:

  • to verify and confirm that you are participating in the SIGA study and are allowed access to use the SIGA Mobile App.
  • to administer a survey or other SIGA Mobile App feature(s)
  • to troubleshoot problems with the SIGA Mobile App
  • to enforce our rights, and to detect and protect against error, fraud and other unauthorized or illegal activities.

We may also de-identify and aggregate your Personal Information for our own purposes.  Aggregated Data is information that has been combined with that of other users and analyzed or evaluated as a whole, such that no specific individual may be reasonably identified. “De-identified Information” is information that has been stripped of your identifiers, such as your name, contact information, and other identifying data, such that you cannot reasonably be identified as an individual.

You understand and agree that the SIGA Mobile App cannot be used outside the United States.


How We Communicate with You

When you send and receive messages, we or our designee may collect and maintain information associated with those messages.

We will also send you strictly service-related announcements on rare occasions when it is necessary to do so. For instance, if our SIGA Mobile App is temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an email. Generally, you may not opt-out of these communications, which are not promotional in nature. If you do not wish to receive them, you have the option to deactivate your account.

Based upon the Personal Information you provide us, we may send you a welcome email to verify your username and password. We will communicate with you by email in response to your inquiries, to provide the services you request and to manage your account. You will be provided contact information at the point of registration.


Do we disclose the information we collect to outside parties?

You understand and agree that we can disclose your Personal Information and other data to third parties only in the following specified circumstances:

  • to those who are involved in conducting our studies, including investigators, clinical research organizations, IRBs, government regulatory agencies who may need access to Personal Information to ensure the studies are being conducted in accordance with law, and research institutions
  • as necessary in the event of the sale or transfer of SIGA, or of one or more of our business units or of some or all of our assets, or in the context of some other business acquisition transaction
  • in response to a subpoena or court order, or a request from a law enforcement or other government agency; to establish or exercise our legal rights, or to defend against claims; or to protect the safety or security of the public or of users of the SIGA Mobile App or study participants.

We may provide additional notice and ask for your consent if we wish to share your information with our commonly owned entities in a materially different way than discussed in this Privacy Policy.


Correcting and Updating Your Personal Information

You can correct or update your Personal Information by re-registering or by contacting us at the e-mail address provided to you upon registration.  Note that it may take us up to 30 days to process your request.


Opt-Out Choices

To “opt-out” of (1) any consents previously given to us, (2) receiving communications from us, or (3) having Personal Information disclosed to third parties, contacting us at the e-mail address provided to you upon registration. Notwithstanding this right to request to cease receiving communications from us and to have us not share Personal Information with third parties, we retain the right to collect, maintain and process information provided by and collected about you on and through the SIGA Mobile App, and disclose such information to comply with its reasonable business and legal obligations.


Safeguarding Your Personal Information

SIGA follows generally accepted industry security standards to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access and maintain data security of Personal Information. However, no commercial method of information transfer over the Internet or electronic data storage is known to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any Personal Information submitted to or otherwise collected during your use of the SIGA Mobile App.  Accordingly, you understand and agree that you transmit all data, including Personal Information, to us at your own risk.


Privacy and Third Party Links

This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by the SIGA Mobile App. At this time, we do not provide links to third party sites through the SIGA Mobile App.  If this changes, we will update this section of the Privacy Policy.



This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any unsolicited information you provide to us through the SIGA Mobile App or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, any ideas for new products or modifications to existing products, and other unsolicited submissions (collectively, “Unsolicited Information”). All Unsolicited Information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and we shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such Unsolicited Information to others without limitation or attribution.


Children’s Privacy

The SIGA Mobile App is intended only for use by adults. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information directly from children under the age of 13; however, Personal Information may be collected when a parent or guardian enters it into the app on the behalf of a child under the age of 13 participating in the study.  If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided Personal Information to us through the SIGA Mobile App, please contact, and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.


Retention of Your Personal Information

We will store the Personal Information you provide for as long as we believe is necessary or appropriate (i) to carry out the purpose(s) for which we collected it, or (ii) to comply with applicable laws, contracts, or other rules or regulations.


Your California Privacy Rights

Under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide Personal Information in obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once a calendar year information about the customer information we shared, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we shared customer information for the immediately prior calendar year (e.g. requests made in 2017 will receive information regarding 2016 sharing activities).

To obtain this information from SIGA please send an email message to with “Request for California Privacy Information” on the subject line and in the body of your message. We will provide the requested information to you at your e-mail address in response. Not all information sharing is covered by the “Shine the Light” requirements and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response.

The information contained in this Privacy Policy is subject to change without notice.